Tuesday, October 16, 2007

If that is what jet setting is like...I'm too old.

Whirlwind trip to Miami this past weekend. Went down to see Georgia Tech struggle through another motivational struggle and come out with a Victory. A High School friend of mine flew in from California for the game. He went to Miami. It was a fun trip, good to see Steve, and nice to meet his friend Ric and his family. I spent only about 24 hours in town, stayed up late drank more beer in a day than i normally do in a month (and sadly that is not that much). I was worn out by the time i got home. The Orange Bowl isn't the nicest place to watch a football game, but at least they sell beer during the first half. It seems like most of the people that go to the football game that sit outside of the visitor's or student's sections are not actually Miami Alums or students. I think the Miami fan base is similar to that of UGA or VT...(insert your prefered second rate college that every redneck in town roots for), about 90% of the fans you see, didn't go there. I'm not trying to be a snob or anything, but it is easier to take crap from a fan who actually went to the school rather than some guy that picked his favorite team out of peer pressure or because Wally mart had a sale on VT stuff. I know it is a money making proposition for the schools to sell the stuff, but if you want to pick a sports team purely on color scheme, geographic location, or just because they are good that year, stick with pro sports. (now if you chose to attend your school based on color schemes, good season, geographic location, or because they offered AG 305 - tractor backing i that is okay...at least you went there.)
It has been my experience that the "blue light special" fans are usually not positive representatives of the school. So in that aspect....I'm glad that you don't see that many fans of my school in these parts. You know that 9 times out of 10 you can walk up to them and actually talk about Tech. Maybe even throw in a quick..."What's the good word?"


1 comment:

MRussell said...

Amen brother.

If you see someone with a Virginia shirt on, they probably went to UVA.

If you see someone with a VT shirt on, they went to walmart.